Adelina Estate Shiraz 2022
The initial idea behind Adelina was to make wines for family and friends from the Family Estate in Clare, an exercise that was started in the 80s by Will Gardner and later invigorated with his daughter Jen in the late 90s. It was 2001 when Jen met Col McBryde whilst both were studying at University, where a friendship was fostered and within a couple of years their paths were set with the first commercial release of Adelina in 2003.
The Estate Shiraz produced from Block 4 (planted 1915). 223 dozen produced. Col McBryde one of the best, most thoughtful winemakers in this country, and indeed, maybe the world.
Truffle and porcini pasta
Blackberry, raspberry, a little sweet baking spice, mint and floral perfume.
This is a liquid ‘mineral’ delight, and the tannin is searching, but so fine and stony, and really marks this wine out as a rare bird. Dusty, biscuitty, classic Clare Shiraz of finesse and superb length.