Godelia, a burgeoning project with roots in the historic town of Cacabelos, unfolds its narrative through a combination of ancient schist-soiled mountain vines and maturing vines on clay hill-slopes. Of the 50 hectares contributing to Godelia, 30 were initially planted in 1989 by a former owner, preceding Vicente Garcia Vasquez's acquisition in 2009. Guided by a quest for freshness and elegance, initially overseen by a Catalan winemaker, the viticultural reins were later handed to the skilled local winemaker, Olga Verde Viéitez. The name "Godelia," a creative amalgamation of Godello and Lias (lees), reflects Vicente's vision for a fresh and feminine Bierzo.
Situated in Pieros, just outside Cacabelos on the Castillo Plateau, Godelia enjoys a unique microclimate sheltered from the cool Atlantic weather, fostering a vine-friendly environment. The soils range from alluvial sands to iron-rich red clay in the valley floors, evolving into quartz and slate on the high-altitude mountain slopes. Key vineyard holdings include the fertile slopes of Castro Ventosa and the elevated plots in Legúas, both featuring the distinctive 'canto rodado' (large pebbles). The historical significance of the region is highlighted by the hilltop Castro Ventosa, once a vital defensive mechanism offering panoramic views of the entire valley.
Godelia's story intertwines with the rich history of el Bierzo, where the onset of phylloxera in the late 19th century and subsequent upheavals led to a significant loss of vine culture and autochthonous genetic cultivars. Despite these challenges, Godelia emerges as a beacon of revival, contributing to the renaissance of quality local varieties, particularly Mencia and Godello, in this unique viticultural landscape.