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Shop Chateau Mazerolles Benoit

“A good wine comes from a good grape”

Our vines receive the greatest care, working the land (plowing), grassing one row out of two to limit vigor, controlling yields by carrying out green harvests in August.

Mazerolles wine:

Born from patience, observation of the vine and its environment, “Mazerolles” is made from grapes harvested at good maturity.

Grape varieties:

Our vineyard, which is over 40 years old on average, has a traditional grape variety. 80% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Malbec (Cot) (depending on the vintage)

Reasoned viticulture:

Use of organic and biocontrol products.

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Exclusive wine,
exceptional service.

The Reserve Cellars. ABN 89621364994 Liquor License 196883. The Reserve Cellar supports the responsible service of alcohol. It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or obtain alcohol on behalf of, a person under the age of 18 years. WARNING: Under the Liquor Act 1992, it is an offence to supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $6,000). for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $500).

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