Antinori Tignanello Grappa 500ml
Tignanello is a famous Italian red table wine produced from a blend of 80% Sangiovese, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Cabernet Franc. It broke new ground in Tuscany during the mid 1970’s and early 1980’s being first Sangiovese to be aged in barriques, the first modern styled red wine blended with non-traditional varieties like Cabernet, and one of the first red wines in Chianti not to use white grapes. Tignanello's grappa is produced from the pomace of its namesake.
The aromas of grappa are typically paired with bitter chocolate or dried fruit—think sweet Panettone from Northern Italy.
Clear, brilliant silvery appearance. Perfumed aromas are waxy (candlewax, crayons), then spicy, fruity notes emerge, in particular raisin and plum. Becomes more bread and pastry like with aeration.
A soft light entry builds into a mouthfilling, spicy profile that’s medium to full bodied, dryish, with spicy dried fruits (especially plum). Finishes dry, light and oily. Aftertaste of sultana followed by a faint cocoa fade.
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